School Calendar

Important Dates

2024/25 Calendar

School starts at 8.40am for all classes.

Junior and Senior Infants finish at 1.20pm

First & Second class finish at 2.20pm

Feast of Our Lady of Mercy

School will finish at 12 noon on Friday 27th September, to celebrate Mercy Day.

Haloween Midterm Break

School will finish at 12 noon on Friday 25th October - Re-open on Monday 4th November

December: School will be closed on Monday 9th December.

Christmas Holidays

School will finish at 12 noon on Friday 20th December 2024 – returning on Monday 6th January 2025

Parent Teacher Meetings

February - to be confirmed

February Bank Holiday

School will be closed on Monday 3rd February.

February Break

School with be closed Monday 17th - Friday 21st February 2025 inclusive.

PRIMARY MATHS CURRICULUM INSERVICE: School will be closed on Friday 14th March for staff training.

St. Patrick’s Day

School with be closed Monday March 17th.

Easter Holidays

School closes 12 noon Friday 11th April – returning to school on Monday 28th April.

May Bank Holiday

School will be closed Monday 5th May.

First Holy Communion (2nd Class)

To be Confirmed

June Bank Holiday

School will be closed on Monday 2nd June.

Summer Holidays

School will close at 12 noon on Friday 27th June.

You are advised to check Aladdin/text/emails regularly to ensure there are no changes to dates above or a date to be added.